Friday, January 30, 2009

See Aboriginal artist Nellie Marks Nakamarra paint

Nellie was born in about 1976 in the Kintore region, Northern Territory.

Nellie was taught to paint by various members of the desert art movement. Born in Papunya and growing up in the Western Desert Nellie’s greatest artistic influences include the acclaimed artists Old Mick Namararri, Turkey Tolson and Uta Uta.

Nellie depicts Lightening Dreaming, Women’s Travelling stories and Women’s Tingari in her paintings. Her early style was minimalist and graphic, yet her recent paintings are much more detailed and creative both in form and use of colour. Nellie’s paintings are striking due to their design of lines and dot work.

Nellie today resides primarily at Kintore but alternates travels between Kintore, Tjukurla and Kiwirrkurra.

We will have lots of new works coming into the gallery by Nellie over the next few weeks as I think her work is showing a great deal of promise.

Bye for now, Alesha.

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